At TFR, we take pride in offering a product that is competitive as soon as you receive it. We all have bought other products that need weeks of work in order to get them to come close at the track. With our proven track record, this will not be the case.



As a crew member, a driver, a team owner, and now, business owner and President of TFR Distribution, LFR, Troyer Race Cars, and Troyer Manufacturing, Rob has a racing resume that is hard to match in the racing industry. A self-starter by nature as a young teenager enamored with motorsports, Fuller has become the leader in managing Asphalt Modified racing vehicle production and competition via his accomplishments with LFR in just five short years.


His decades of dedication to top level NASCAR® and grassroots racing shows in every trip to Victory Lane.

Career Accomplishments

  • Former NASCAR Cup Team Owner, Crew Chief, Crew Member & Vehicle Dynamics Engineer

  • Former NASCAR® Truck Series driver, NASCAR® Modified and Late Model winning driver

  • NASCAR® Championship winning Spring and Chassis Design Engineer

Results Speak For Themselves


LFR began in 2014 with a vision from owner Rob Fuller. His goal was to build the most cutting edge, sophisticated Asphalt Modified from the ground up. LFR Chassis was formed in Mooresville, NC, and after two successful on-track years based in NC, LFR decided to relocate to its home base of West Boylston, MA to better focus on the customer services of Northeast racing.

Since that decision, LFR is the most successful chassis designer with 5-straight NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour championships and many, many more wins.

The company looks to continue winning ways in Tour-type Modified racing series and divisions, as well as weekly research and development via LFR affiliate teams.

Available Asphalt Modified Designs

LFR Gen 1 (2014-2019 Production Years)

LFR Gen 2 (2020+ Production Year)

Winning Ways......Since 1977

Troyer Race Cars is dedicated to providing its customers with the highest quality racing products & services in the market, at competitive prices. 


Research, commitment, & precision will ensure every customer is receiving the top equipment available.

Troyer Race Cars is arguably the most recognizable name in both the NASCAR Asphalt Modified and DIRT Modified industries, and for good reason.  It's roots go deep into the history of American motorsports, as Troyer was among the first official modified chassis manufacturers in the country, and has remained among the most successful since 1977. 

Available Asphalt Modified Designs

Troyer TA1

Troyer TA2

Troyer TA3

Troyer TA4